I don't have one specific project that is the project of my dreams; rather there are many projects bouncing around inside my head, however in order to bring these ideas to fruition, learning new skills will be required. Last year, I started experimenting with using resin to seal my painted pendants and was quite happy with the results. I knew I didn't want to use commercially made bezels for my pendants and started looking for something unique. This led me to a little shop where I live that sells all sorts of odds and ends including broken vintage and antique jewelry. I have found some amazing components that were just what I was looking for to use as bezels.
Some of them have needed modifications or repairs which I have been able to accomplish for the most part using my dremel's cutting, sanding and buffing tools. But, there are some things that can only be accomplished with a torch. To date, my only experience with a torch has been doing some form folding which was quite fun, actually.
This is going to be the year that I learn to solder (I hope - see how I won't commit?), which will really open up some new creative areas to explore. Not only do I want to be able to modify the parts I've purchased from my local supplier, but I want to try to make my own bezels to use with my paintings. That would be the ultimate in hand made to me - pairing my original paintings and my original bezels.
Now I just have to figure out how to make that happen. Do I try to self teach myself or take a class? The problem with taking classes is that it would involve a three hour round trip which I'm not too keen about. But, in the end it may be worth it to take that leap in order to learn proper techniques and to see what sort of tools are required and work best for my needs. I see this leading to setting stones as well. I'm not really interested in setting stones for making focal pieces, but I could see setting small stones as part of the design of the bezels I want to make.
Currently, I'm out of town but when I am back home my goal is to focus on turning my dream project into reality and take my jewelry to the next level. Thinking about it is kind of scary and exciting all at the same time - I'm not even sure where to begin, but will break it down into baby steps until it's been figured out. First step: contact the local community college to see what they have to offer and then go from there. Wouldn't it be awesome if this time next year, I could show you some bezels that were made with my own two hands?
To see what the other participants of this month's blog carnival have to say on the subject, please click on the links below:
Violetmoon's Corner
Echoes of Ela
Cat's Wire